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  • Clare

Reflecting and Remembering

Today I was approached to write meditations for a new online platform, and I was inspired to go back to one of the first guided meditations that I wrote and recorded in early 2020 for the app Insight Timer

Having not listened to them since publishing, I was stunned to hear that so much of what I was saying back then, I didn't truly understand. That the dots have now joined up so much more, be it in my own healing journey or in the mysteries of the feminine I have been discovering. And there was such medicine for me in hearing those words back, that it choked me a little.

It fills me with such deep gratitude for how our soul, our higher self, our ancestors and guides truly are with us all along, and how they whisper to us and always have done, lighting the way, long before we understand, before our mind can comprehend.

It is all a remembering of what we already know deep within us.

It brings me such hope and excitement for this time of deep transformation we are in. The turning of the ages. The deep healing that is taking place. This time that has long been prophesised.

While my mind is whirling, grasping to "what's next? what's left in the rubble of all this change?", I find myself in a deep place of trust, in the unfolding, in the not knowing.

One day we may understand a little more about what this is all about, but for now, all we can do is surrender to the change, through feeling

Click below to hear my connecting to your power within meditation Insight Timer Meditation :

#energyhealing #newage #meditation #shamanism #divinefeminine #goddess #insighttimer #GuidedMeditation #ancestors #samhain #eclipseseason


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